
C + +運算符

C + +運算符


  1. 算術運算符用於對兩個或多個操作數執行算術運算。一些常見的操作數是+(加法)、-(減法)、*(乘法)、/(除法)、%(餘數)、++(增量)、——(減法)。對如
我+ +;Sum = a + b;

B.Relational Operators they are used to determine the relation between variables or values. Here, we compare two values and return the result as either true (1) or false (0). Some common relational operators are as == (check equality), != (checks inequality), > (greater than), < (lesser than), >= (greater than or equal to) and <= (less than or equal to).


if (x>THRESHOLD){…}

  1. Logical Operators used to determine the logic between variables or values. Logical operators are && (Logical AND),|| (Logical OR Operator) and ! (Logical NOT operator).

If (x<5 && y>10) {}

D.Bitwise Operators Bitwise operator does not work on numbers but on bits. It is done bit-by-bit operation. The three Bitwise operators are & (bit wise AND), | (Bitwise OR), ^(Bitwise XOR), ~ (binary 1’s complement), << (binary left shift operator) and >> (binary left shift operator).

E.Assignment Operators This class of operators are used for assignment. For e.g = (simple assignment), += (add AND assignment), -= (subtract AND assignment), *= (multiply AND assignment) etc.

F.Misc Operators They are a heterogeneous operator set. It includes sizeof (used to find size of a variable), ternary operator condition ? exp1: exp2 (conditional evaluation), , operator, .(dot) and -> (arrow), cast (change type of a variable temporarily) , & (pointer address) and *(pointer access)



X = 7 * 5 + 3 - 2 * 10;//x等於18
