Visual Basic Network Enabled Technologies簡稱VB.NET。微軟在2002年創建了它,作為一種直接的、高級的、麵向對象的編程語言。它是Visual Basic 6.0的繼承者,建立在微軟的基礎上。淨框架。
它還支持抽象、封裝、繼承和多態性等OOPs概念。因此,一切都在VB。網programming language is an object, including all primitive data types (Integer, String, char, long, short, Boolean, and so on), user-defined data types, events, and all objects that inherit from its base class. It is not a case-sensitive language, but C++, Java, and C# are.
用VB編寫的應用程序。網language are extremely dependable and scalable, as they rely on the.NET Framework to access all libraries that aid in the execution of a VB.NET program. You can use this language to create a fully object-oriented application identical to one produced with another language, such as C++, Java, or C#. Furthermore, VB.NET apps or programs can operate on platforms other than Windows, such as Linux or Mac OS.
VB。網language is built so that any fresh beginning or novice andand addThe compiler will disregard the an established programmer may easily create a simple, secure, resilient, high-performance web, windows, console, and mobile application that runs the.NET Framework.